• Highlights of 2024
  • 2000+ Participants from 25+ countries | 7 Supporting Ministries, 15 Supporting Organisations and 18 Supporting Media Partners | 30 Key Partners, 20 Exhibitors, 5 Country Partners and 17 Conference Session Partners | 241 Speakers | 16 Thematic Sessions, 1 Master Class | 8 Bi-lateral & Focused Workshops | 2 Special Plenaries | 202 Participants from 32 Utilities | 60 Technical Papers Published and 25 Technical Papers Presented | 66 Winners amongst 11 ISGF Innovation Award Categories

ISUW 2024 Speaker

Neha Gupta
Neha Gupta
Lead - Centre for Clean Mobility, OMI Foundation

Neha has been a seasoned professional in the field of mobility including electric vehicles. As Lead, the Centre for Clean Mobility, Neha oversees the electric mobility practice at OMI Foundation. Her areas of work include electric mobility-related policy research and strategic engagements and championing sustainability through analysis of clean energy practices and providing actionable insights for adoption of the same.